Wednesday, 4 February 2015

2 terrorists executed in retaliation for ISIS’ murder of pilot

Jordan has executed two jihadist prisoners in retaliation for ISIS’ murder of pilot, Moaz al-Kasasbeh after promising an earth-shaking response to the tragedy.
Failed suicide bomber, Sajida al-Rishawi and al-Qaeda member, Ziyad Karboli were hanged at dawn, officials say.
Al-Kasasbeh was brutally burnt alive by the terrorist group and on February 3, a video showing the murder was posted online.
Jordan had been previously negotiating a prisoner exchange with ISIS after the group demanded al-Rishawi’s freedom in exchange for Al-Kasasbeh’s.
The country had also warned that it would hang all ISIS captives in its custody if the pilot was killed.
Al-Rishawi was sentenced to death and had been imprisoned in Jordan since 2005 for her role in attacks on the capital, Amman, which led to the deaths of 60 people.
She was however unsuccessful in her suicide mission as her explosive belt failed to detonate.


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