Tuesday, 3 February 2015

Fahmy Jailed Al Jazeera Reporter Renounces Egyptian Citizenship

Mohamed Fahmy one of the two Al Jazeera journalists still held in Egypt, has renounced his Egyptian citizenship after he was given permission to do so by the Egyptian interior ministry AIT reports.
According to BBC, Fahmy  who hols dual Canadian-Egyptian citizenship renounced his Egyptian citizenship to secure his release.
Mr Fahmy’s brother said the journalist, was told to give up his nationality or his freedom.
However the status of his Egyptian colleague Baher Mohamed still remains unclear. Under the rules of a presidential decree, foreign nationals convicted of crimes in Egypt can be deported.
Canada’s Foreign Minister John Baird said on Monday February 2, that the release of Fahmy is “imminent”.
Baird told the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation on Monday that diplomatic efforts to free Fahmy were going very well, but he did not elaborate as to when it was expected to happen.
Peter Greste, who was freed on Sunday February 1, after 400 days in jail, said he felt “incredible angst” at leaving his colleagues in a Cairo jail.
Speaking on Monday February 2, he said: “I feel incredible angst about my colleagues, leaving them behind.”
He added that his release was a “massive step forward” for Egypt and that he hoped the country would “keep going down this path” with his colleagues.
“Mohamed Fahmy is an extraordinary professional, a dedicated journalist, very passionate and a strong-willed character,” said Greste.
“Baher is one of the most amazing family men I’ve ever met. If anyone’s suffered out of all of this, it is Baher, he has a wife, and one of his children was born while he was prison.”
Fahmy, Al Jazeera’s Cairo bureau chief, was arrested in December 2013 along with his colleagues Peter Greste and Baher Mohamed. They had been falsely accused of colluding with the outlawed Muslim Brotherhood.


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