Monday, 15 September 2014

Iggy Azalea's Lawyers Threaten Vivid Entertainment Over Sex Tape

repot says  Iggy Azalea’s former boyfriend, a Houston rapper named Jefe Wine, confirmed that the couple recorded a sex tape when she was 18, TMZ now reports that lawyers for the Australian rapper have filed a letter to porn company Vivid threatening that the name “Iggy” is protected by U.S. Trademark.
TMZ, which claims to have obtained a copy of the letter, also writes that Azalea “feels betrayed” by Wine according to an inside source.

The news follows initial claims from Azalea’s lawyers that the tape is a fabrication. Less than a week later, the legal team reportedly called the tape the product of a “spurned business suitor” possibly recorded “without her knowledge or consent.”

Jefe Wine responded shortly after, alleging that the clip is real, features Azalea, and was recorded when the rapper was 18. The Houston rapper  said that his computer was stolen months ago and denied rumors that he is shopping the video to companies.

 a week ago , Azalea responded to the news in a series of Tweets, writing, “I don’t have a sex tape but for the record...Anyone who releases or attempts to make profit off someone else’s intimate moments against their will is a sex offender…& it honestly makes me sick to see the media encourage any other attitude towards those sorts of people, we should want to protect our women...and i really hope that america will follow Europe and their laws to better protect peoples privacy and fundamental rights.”


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